This website is dedicated to the people of Paete.

As we celebrate the Balik Paete 2004, we who have deep roots on the town of Paete, Laguna once more will try to reminisce the different people, events, cultural shows, arts, and samahan. The sum total of which made up how we feel, act, and response to the things around us. Once more, we will focus our feelings with deep nostalgic moods resulting from our associations with people we will meet and socialize. But more than that we want to remember them not only at that moment. We want them to stick for a long time with us and share these with our family and friends for a long long time. This, in essence, is the rationale for the Paete Memorabilia 2004 - to put all of them in paper collection accessible anytime and in any place.

Please support this project so we can further strengthen our deep attachment and love for our beautiful town.